Want to make smartphone videos that look professional? Change the lighting!

Did you know you can change the lighting on you smartphone video manually? And therefore giving video a more professional appearance?

Yes you can! Firstly you can set the focus and exposure when making video with your smartphone by tapping on the screen. The focus and exposure will adapt automatically to the selected area. Next, on most phones, if you hold the selected area for 2 seconds it will lock the focus. This can be very handy when shooting a series of videos in the same setup.

Thirdly, and most importantly, you can optimize you video by tweaking the exposure further. On an iphone you can move the yellow sun up or down. On an Android you move the light bulb.

To summarize:

✔️ First: make an instant change by simply tapping your screen
✔️ Second: on iphone, move the yellow sun up or down. On Android, move the light bulb
✔️ Last: hold for 2 seconds to lock the focus/exposure (most phone)

In conclusion, you can greatly improve your video by manually adjust the exposure!

Learn more on lighting and other smartphone video tricks by checking out my new book Video Smart.

Let me know your video questions, leave a comment below!

Happy filming,
